The museum has a small research library with a computerized “card catalog” containing over 300 shelved items. Many are Keystone View Company teacher’s guides for stereoview and lantern slides sets sold to schools. In addition, there are a few dozen guides for Underwood & Underwood sets; Keystone newsletters, a 1953 salesman’s manual, motivational books used by salesmen, a small amount of correspondence, and several catalogs from Keystone and other view companies.
Recently donated items include stereoscopic research books, and two volumes on Civil War stereographs.
The library has several boxed sets of Keystone’s medical stereoviews, illustrating such topics as skin diseases and dental problems.
Documents in a filing cabinet are not entered into the database.
They include information on Keystone View Company employees, newspaper articles (from the 1900s to present day) about Keystone View Company, transcriptions and / or copies of courthouse documents pertaining to Keystone (deeds, incorporation papers. etc.), Including information on founder B. Lloyd Singley and his family. There are also articles about the company’s negatives which were donated to the Museum of Photography at the University of California at Riverside.